Top 5 Beautiful Spots to Visit in Bromo

Share On Facebook ! Tweet This ! Share On Google Plus ! Pin It ! Share On Tumblr ! Share On Reddit ! Share On Linkedin ! Share On StumbleUpon ! - Bromo as 1 of The most beautiful Mountain in Indonesia.
Located in Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) Pasuruan East Java-Indonesia.

Height :  2,329 metres (7,641 ft) from sea level.

As our Experiences when visited Mount Bromo, Here are 5 Most Beautiful Spots in Bromo area ...

1. The Peak of Pananjakan 1 (2,770 m or 9,088 ft)
We can reach it on foot, by bike or rent a hard top jeep. Enjoy the sunrise from this ViewPoint, we can look all around some Mountains i.e bromo, batok, semeru, witangin, kursi and mount widodaren,  enjoy Amazing view ...

2. Savanna

Down from the pananjakan, then our 2nd spot is ...this Teletubbies Hill

3. Sea of Sand 
Not far from Savanna, then we can move to Bromo Desert ... all could run and walk or biking here ...

4. Foot of the Mount Bromo
We can get fun here ... there is Beautiful Pura poten , Go around by riding Horse, Cycling, or just walk ... there are many original tengger people sell accessories, food, etc.

 We can go to the peak by horse or just walk ... then go up stair ...

5. Bromo Peak
and yes ... the Final Destination of our tour ... here are ...

Enjoy The peak of bromo, 1 of the most attractive from bromo is because it is still an active volcano ...

From anywhere, we can reach Mount bromo via International Airport Juanda Surabaya, then for about 3.5 hours to Pasuruan/probolinggo to find hotels/lodgement, then start the journey at dawn to reach sun rise at Pananjakan View Point.

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